What is the best hybrid flooring brand Australia

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What is the best hybrid flooring brand Australia

Since its debut in 2019 hybrid flooring has been making waves in the market because of its perfect combination of traditional hardwood and modern technology that provides homeowners with style, durability and affordability all in one product! For those looking for quality hybrid floor brands in Australia popular choices include Marvel SPC , Quick Step , Godfrey Hirst , Dunlop and Clever Choice . Each brand has its own unique range of products that cater to different needs at various price points . Marvel SPCs luxury hybrid vinyl planks feature an easy to install click system which allows for quick installation while Quick Steps hybrid floor is highly durable and stylish .Godfrey Hirst hybrid floors boasts scratch resistant hybrids floors that are also water repellent. Dunlops hybrids floors require minimal maintenance whereas Clever Choices waterproof hybrids floors have become top favorites among customers who want specific types of wood like oak or maple.

Don’t compromise on quality, durability or appearance when selecting a hybrid floor brand in Australia. Choose one that has stood the test of time with satisfied customers. In addition to looking at product features pay attention to the warranty offered by each brand so that you have peace of mind after purchasing. Lastly read through feedback from other consumers before buying anything – its smart shopping!

Criteria for Evaluation

Choosing hybrid flooring that suits your home requires some careful consideration- but we’re here to help! Start by assessing quality and durability; opt for brands known for steady production of high quality hybrid floors that can withstand everyday usage with ease. Once you’ve narrowed down your type of flooring based on quality standards scope out each brands range of styles available – finding one with hues, patterns, and textures you love will help ensure long lasting satisfaction with your new floor! Meanwhile don’t skimp on foot traffic, water resistance or scratch resistance; this is critical to keeping the vinyl planks intact over time. And lastly but importantly – dig into each brands warranty policies as well as customer service offerings; knowing what kind of support is available post purchase could make all the difference in ensuring a positive experience from start to finish!

Top Hybrid Flooring Brands in Australia

Hybrid flooring has emerged as an increasingly favoured surface covering in Australia due to its impressive endurance against wear and tear, moisture-repelling capabilities and trendy designs. We’ve identified the top-rated brands by considering customer reviews alongside proven brand credibility within the market.

  1. Marvel SPC: Homeowners who value quality and aesthetic appeal will love what Marvel SPC has to offer in their hybrid floor line. These sleek surfaces mimic the beauty of natural woodgrain while providing exceptional durability – perfect for high-traffic areas or busy households. Add in their impressive residential warranty (good for 25 years), and you’ve got yourself the total flooring package.
  2. Quick-Step: In the world of hybrid flooring brands in Australia few can hold a candle to the popularity of Quick Step – and its easy to see why. Featuring an extensive spectrum of colours and styles that effortlessly complement any home interior aesthetic the options are seemingly endless with Quick Step. And with an unyielding commitment to durability at every turn this brands floors are notably scratch resistant and require minimal upkeep. The cherry on top? A lifetime residential warranty comes along with every purchase.
  3. Godfrey Hirst: For environment-conscious homeowners, Godfrey Hirst’s hybrid flooring is a great option. It’s constructed using recycled materials while also offering exceptional noise insulation – making it the ideal choice for bustling apartments or busy families with shared walls.
  4. Dunlop: Simplicity meets sophistication with Dunlop’s hybrid floors that exude both style and functionality. Choose from an array of colours and textures to match your home decor seamlessly. Additionally, experience ultimate reassurance with their impressive 25-year residential warranty.
  5. Clever Choice:
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